Tuesday, November 06, 2007

American Girl

This past weekend Tom and I took Jessica to the Grove to buy a doll. Yes, a doll... The cost I would rather not say but if anyone is familiar with the brand they will know the cost. I was amazed at what went on in the store. Young girls running around with a doll that was quite expensive and adults leaving with tons of bags but it made me think of why people have an aversion toward Americans. Don't get me wrong I love being an American but we are the most spoiled people in the world. It just made me sit back and think about the less privileged population.
Tom and I support a little girl in Brazil and everyone once in awhile we will send things to her but they say not to send too much because if others see it they will get jealous. I believe that Brazil has one of the highest crime rates in the world. So I can see why they say this. My hope for this coming holiday season is to do things right in my own backyard so to say. Giving up my time. I find that one of the hardest things to do but after seeing what I saw this past Saturday I want the less fortunate to have the same experience as the little girls that were running around with the doll. I don’t think that we need elaborate things to have joy but for someone to take the time out to say that they are just as important.
I hope that this holiday season that I will pass down to my own children the art of giving up their time for others rather than just receiving gifts.

Here are a couple of links if anyone is interested.


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