By: Jessica .B
One day in science class I saw a big box it said, ”Chicken Box. I walk up to it and saw to 2 chicks Mrs.Aram said their names are Snowball and Buzz. I ask, “How are they staying.” “Until the class losses focus when they go back to my house”, She said. The chick chirp for food.
“When do they start flying”, I ask. In a couple of weeks. She said sadly. When I went back to class and sat down. I kept hearing chirps I turn around and look down and saw the chicks I tap my neighbor Katherine I told her I saw the chicks. She turns around she saw nothing.
She looks at me and said “I don’t see any chicks.” I said, “But I see the chicks.” Katherine said, “You need to see a doctor.” I said “NO I DON’T!” In after school outback Snowball and Buzz could talk.
When I got home Snowball and Buzz was hungry they said eat Oats. Good the family love to eat oats. I found 900 pounds in the cover. When it was time for bed they told me why they ran away from Mrs.Aram. When her real class loud kept them sick
On May16, 2016 we went to see Prince Caspian the movie cool. When we went to Six Flag we went on all the rides and got pictures Snowball and Buzz and share a drink. Snowball said happily “Can we go to Disney land tomorrow?” ask Snowball I said “Yes we can go.” Snowball could not go to sleep he took the TV remote watch he THE MIGTH B he watch it until Buzz and I woke up it 3:00 am. I told Snowball “We only have 2 more hours left until we’re leaving Snowball said sadly “I can’t sleep.” I said to Snowball “Maybe you’re hungry do want some Oats?” Snowball said cheering up “Well I didn’t eat dinner.” I went down the hallway to the kitchen to get some Oats for Snowball once he ate he was out. Buzz and I went with a blanket and a pillow to the living room to watch I- CARLY.2 hours past. Snowball and Buzz were ready.35 minute past we were at Disney land we went on all the rides and got pictures what was the bests day of are lives
That’s the life with Snowball and Buzz
She knows how to make her Daddy proud.
That is the most awesome story I have every read.
Good Job! :)
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